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Branding, Graphic Design

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Branding, Graphic Design

Telkomcel by Brian Alvin Hananto (brianalvin),branding,desain grafis
Telkomcel by Brian Alvin Hananto (brianalvin),branding,desain grafis
Telkomcel by Brian Alvin Hananto (brianalvin),branding,desain grafis
Telkomcel by Brian Alvin Hananto (brianalvin),branding,desain grafis
Telkomcel by Brian Alvin Hananto (brianalvin),branding,desain grafis
The color of the logo was choosed specifically to be contrast with one of their main competitors. So that the company could own and bring a new color in East Timor. Warna logo dipilih secara khusus untuk kontras dengan kompetitor utama perusahaan. Supaya perusahaan dapat memiliki dan membawa warna baru di Timor Leste.
Telkomcel by Brian Alvin Hananto (brianalvin),branding,desain grafis
Some alternatives that were produced in the project. The alternatives were based on the same concept, although with slightly different approaches. Beberapa alternatif yang dihasilkan selama proyek berlangsung. Alternatif dibuat berdasarkan konsep yang sama, walaupun dieksekusi dengan pendekatan yang sedikit berbeda.
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One of my intern projects back then on DM Idholland. It was a pitch for a telecommunication company in East Timor, where mostly speak their native language and Portuguese. The brand essence : Connect Better to be Closer, was prepared by the team in DM Idholland, then the essence is developed by the designers. The concept behind the logo is a net, which resembles a spider web of connections, and also usually used by fishermen, one of the major occupations of the civilian in East Timor.

Salah satu proyek magang saya di DM Idholland. Dibuat untuk pitching perusahaan telekomunikasi di Timor Leste, dimana mereka menggunakan bahasa nasional mereka dan juga bahasa Portugis. Brand essence : Connect Better to be Closer disiapkan oleh tim di DM Idholland, essence tersebut kemudian dikembangkan menjadi sebuah konsep oleh designer. Konsep logo ini adalah sebuah jaring menangkap ikan, dimana menyerupai jaring-jaring komunikasi, dan juga sering dijumpai sehari-hari karena merupakan salah satu alat utama dari nelayan, yang merupakan salah satu profesi yang sering ditemukan di Timor Leste.

Thanks. Have a nice day!

Uploaded 26 September 2013