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Digital Art, Digital Painting, Illustration

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Digital Art, Digital Painting, Illustration

The Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes by Adip Pradipta (dipponized),seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
Azura - daedric prince of dusk and dawn, magic between day and night, mother of the rose, queen of the night sky (roses are blue, violets are blue too)
The Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes by Adip Pradipta (dipponized),seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
Boethiah - daedric prince of deceit, conspiracy, treachery, and sedition (also a genderless brute fighter)
The Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes by Adip Pradipta (dipponized),seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
Clavicus Vile - daedric prince of power, trickery, wishes, serenity, bargains, and child-god of morningstrar (his dog's name is Barbas, houses a significant proportion of Vile's power)
The Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes by Adip Pradipta (dipponized),seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
Hermaeus Mora - daedric prince of knowledge, memory, fate, past and future, keeper and demon of knowledge (also a mysterious tentacular hentai creature with many eyes)
The Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes by Adip Pradipta (dipponized),seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
Hircine - daedric prince of hunters, hunting game, beasts, and lycanthropy (since he is a lord of lycanthropy and hunting game, so he maybe enjoy the werewolf game)
The Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes by Adip Pradipta (dipponized),seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
Jyggalag - daedric prince of order, logical order, deduction, and determinism (alter ego of Sheogorath, in fact he is Sheogorath's true form before being cursed by another daedras)
The Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes by Adip Pradipta (dipponized),seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
Malacath - daedric prince of bloody curses, the spurned, betrayed, ostracized, orcified, and the keeper of sworn oath (the father of orcs, ugly but strong)
The Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes by Adip Pradipta (dipponized),seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
Mehrunes Dagon - daedric prince of destruction, revolution, energy, change, and ambition (worshipped by a cult called 'mythic dawn', a bunch of maniacs)
The Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes by Adip Pradipta (dipponized),seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
Mephala - daedric prince of webspinner, spider, obfuscation, secrecy, lies, murder, lust, and plots (she enjoys seducing and interfering humans)
The Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes by Adip Pradipta (dipponized),seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
Meridia - daedric prince of life and lady of infinite energies (she has beautiful angelic form and hates all undead things)
The Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes by Adip Pradipta (dipponized),seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
Molag Bal - daedric prince of domination, vampirism, corruption, slavery, schemer, harvester of soul, and Father of Coldharbour (the father of vampires, yet the wings are just for decoration)
The Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes by Adip Pradipta (dipponized),seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
Namira - daedric prince of darkness, shadowy spirits, mistress of decay, and the devourer of the dead (a cannibal, loves juicy human meat)
The Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes by Adip Pradipta (dipponized),seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
Nocturnal - daedric prince of night, darkness, luck, nightingale, and shadow (hottest milf daedra ever)
The Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes by Adip Pradipta (dipponized),seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
Peryite - daedric prince of pestilence, affliction and ordering of daedras (he is the weakest daedric prince)
The Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes by Adip Pradipta (dipponized),seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
Sanguine - daedric prince of debauchery, lust, sin, sloth, gluttony, greed (and loves playing pranks on human)
The Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes by Adip Pradipta (dipponized),seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
Sanguine - daedric prince of debauchery, lust, sin, sloth, gluttony, greed (and loves playing pranks on human)
The Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes by Adip Pradipta (dipponized),seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
Vaermina - daedric prince of dreams, nightmares, psychilogical terror, torment, evil omens, and memories (loves disturbing human's dream)
The Elder Scrolls Daedric Princes by Adip Pradipta (dipponized),seni digital,digital painting,ilustrasi
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Illustrations of 17 daedric princes from The Elder Scrolls universe, a famous game created by Bethesda Softworks

Uploaded 03 November 2017