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Fine Art, Illustration

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Fine Art, Illustration

Broken Heart Series by Andry Wijaya (xaveriusandry),fine art,ilustrasi
LONGING . . When i met you my heart start to believe that something might happen something going to fill this emptiness that missing puzzle were finally found and it was you or at least i thought it was
Broken Heart Series by Andry Wijaya (xaveriusandry),fine art,ilustrasi
LUST . . Your smell still linger on me And how you suppose me to get rid of you? . If love is the rose then this is the thorn, lust . wait, so it wasnt love???
Broken Heart Series by Andry Wijaya (xaveriusandry),fine art,ilustrasi
SEX . . Dont you remember that night when we both drunk in love? . I still remember and it was printed clearly in my mind . The time when your soft lips kissed mine . Your cold hand on my hip . And i want nothing but to feel your skin . You bruise my lips Scar on my knees Hicky on my neck . You destroyed me in the most beautiful way possible . And when you leave me I finally understand why storms are named after people
Broken Heart Series by Andry Wijaya (xaveriusandry),fine art,ilustrasi
DELUSIONAL . . Hope that you gave, Sweet talk that you said, You've covered me with all pretty things you've had promised . Nothing but beauty . But even the prettiest flower will dry one day . So does that sweet talk . But We kissed that night . When i drink you, Deeply Intoxicate my self with your presence . I am so very dizzy; Stumble-footed Room-spinningly Drunk on love . But thats all my naivety delusion . Its all lies, right darling?
Broken Heart Series by Andry Wijaya (xaveriusandry),fine art,ilustrasi
DENYING But we had it right? didnt you feel the same way as i did? You said you loved me You said you wont left me then whats with that cold look you gave? whats with that sudden change? oh well i got it, im not your muse anymore i was delusional all this time i knew it but why still i love you? after all the pain i suffer? It just cant be happend but sadly it was
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A series of painting about a broken hearted guy
A phases that he going through from Longing, Lust, Sex, Delusional, and Denying

Uploaded 20 November 2016