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Concept Art, Digital Art, Illustration

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Concept Art, Digital Art, Illustration

Dependent Origination Illustration by Kho Tek Mei (KhoTekMei),concept art,seni digital,ilustrasi
Title: Ignorane Is illustrated by a blind person who walks, without seeing, what is ahead. The blind will fall and rise and overcome difficulties due to his sight.
Dependent Origination Illustration by Kho Tek Mei (KhoTekMei),concept art,seni digital,ilustrasi
Title: Mental Formations Is illustrated by someone, who continuously molds a ceramics without stopping, no matter how bad or good the ceramics are.
Dependent Origination Illustration by Kho Tek Mei (KhoTekMei),concept art,seni digital,ilustrasi
Title: continuous awareness Is illustrated as a monkey who jumps from a tree with no fruits towards a tree that is still full of fruits.
Dependent Origination Illustration by Kho Tek Mei (KhoTekMei),concept art,seni digital,ilustrasi
Title: Mind and Body Are illustrated by a man and woman couple on a ship towards a journey.
Dependent Origination Illustration by Kho Tek Mei (KhoTekMei),concept art,seni digital,ilustrasi
Title: Six Basic Senses Is illustrated by a house with Five windows and one door. Five windows resemble Five senses and the door resembles the mind.
Dependent Origination Illustration by Kho Tek Mei (KhoTekMei),concept art,seni digital,ilustrasi
Title: Sense Contact Is illustrated by contact between man and woman.
Dependent Origination Illustration by Kho Tek Mei (KhoTekMei),concept art,seni digital,ilustrasi
Title: Feeling Is illustrated by someone with eyes hit by the darts. Feeling is like pain caused by the darts and blinded the sight.
Dependent Origination Illustration by Kho Tek Mei (KhoTekMei),concept art,seni digital,ilustrasi
Title: craving for desire Is illustrated by someone who drink liqour without content even when he/she is become drunk.
Dependent Origination Illustration by Kho Tek Mei (KhoTekMei),concept art,seni digital,ilustrasi
Title: Attachment Is illustrated by someone who insist on picking fruits even when his/her fruit basket is full and no space left for any additional fruit.
Dependent Origination Illustration by Kho Tek Mei (KhoTekMei),concept art,seni digital,ilustrasi
Title: Continued Growth Is illustrated by a pregnant woman. The process of continued growth is best described by the growth process of an embryo to a baby.
Dependent Origination Illustration by Kho Tek Mei (KhoTekMei),concept art,seni digital,ilustrasi
Title: Birth Is illustrated by a mother who has given birth to her baby
Dependent Origination Illustration by Kho Tek Mei (KhoTekMei),concept art,seni digital,ilustrasi
Title: Old Age and Death Is illustrated by an old person and dead person. Every human being born will undergo the process of aging and eventually death.
Dependent Origination Illustration by Kho Tek Mei (KhoTekMei),concept art,seni digital,ilustrasi
12 part of Niddana (12 chain of causation) overall. Yaksha (Giant) represents time which consumes day and night all sentient beings who are deluded, overcome by ignorance. He is a fierce creature who stands for the 3 defilements. His appearance is extremely ugly and frightening. The 5 skulls symbolise the 5 aggregates (body, feeling, perception, intentional activities and consciousness) which are not to be attached to as they are impermanent and in constant flux throughout the lifetime of a human being. The tiger's skin which covers Yaksha signifies the mental intoxication and latent dispositions which envelop and cling to sentient beings, consuming them day and night. The tiger's Tail means recurrent life (birth and death process).
Dependent Origination Illustration by Kho Tek Mei (KhoTekMei),concept art,seni digital,ilustrasi
The Birth and Death process with Yin and Yang background.
Dependent Origination Illustration by Kho Tek Mei (KhoTekMei),concept art,seni digital,ilustrasi
TANHA (Craving). It is illustrated by: 1. MOHA (Ignorance )- like a pig that knows no dirt and cleanliness, eating for a living and pleasure, and which is ignorance if later slaughtered 2. LOBHA (Greed) - like a rooster which always boasts arrogance to crave sensual pleasures to please its sexual desire. 3. DOSA (Hatred) - like a snake who silently attacks anyone, who disturbs its comfort.
Dependent Origination Illustration by Kho Tek Mei (KhoTekMei),concept art,seni digital,ilustrasi
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I'm so glad when i got the opportunity to made all these illustration..
These illustrations based on one of the Buddha's teaching, called Paticca-Samuppada, usually translated as Dependent Origination.
For the concept, these illustrations using Art Nouveau style and mixed with Majapahit regality culture.
All these illustrations creation can we see at Buddhist Festival 2013, which was held in last June.
Tools: Photoshop and Illustrator

Uploaded 30 August 2013