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Exhibition Design, Graphic Design, Photography, Print Design

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Exhibition Design, Graphic Design, Photography, Print Design

The BLIXT Project Photography Exhibition by Marsella Giovani (marselgeo),desain eksibisi,desain grafis,fotografi,desain percetakan
We started it all on April, 2nd 2015.
The BLIXT Project Photography Exhibition by Marsella Giovani (marselgeo),desain eksibisi,desain grafis,fotografi,desain percetakan
And reached our first exhibition on February, 21st 2016.
The BLIXT Project Photography Exhibition by Marsella Giovani (marselgeo),desain eksibisi,desain grafis,fotografi,desain percetakan
We consist of 6 members. They are Thalia W. as the captain, ketrin aster, marselgeo, OngWilliamJoe, Stella Randy, and Andhie Kusnadi.
The BLIXT Project Photography Exhibition by Marsella Giovani (marselgeo),desain eksibisi,desain grafis,fotografi,desain percetakan
Nobody, and not considered to be existed, a condition of silent without any power to make a sound. A desire to be something in the eyes of the people. Is an undeniable happiness of the world. When it's all about the best way to prove yourself, then just a real movement that can speak better than words. That's all just to prove your capacity and your freedom on speaking.
The BLIXT Project Photography Exhibition by Marsella Giovani (marselgeo),desain eksibisi,desain grafis,fotografi,desain percetakan
Progress behind this ambition needs real and hard effort, where no more place for a surrender word. Push all the aspects to the maximum point, that's the only way to make sure that all your hopes and dreams will come true. Hard work in silent, let the success be your noise. Like a lightning and thunder.
The BLIXT Project Photography Exhibition by Marsella Giovani (marselgeo),desain eksibisi,desain grafis,fotografi,desain percetakan
Undeniable, there's always be a side effect and also plus-minus in everything. There's pro and contra. Not every words that we hear are some sweet words nor congratulations, there are insults , humiliation , and denial that follow us.
The BLIXT Project Photography Exhibition by Marsella Giovani (marselgeo),desain eksibisi,desain grafis,fotografi,desain percetakan
However it's all not about that, but about presence and a voice that be counted. What we've done finally get attentions, either positively or negatively. Going from all of this, 6 young photographers buid their way to speak without words on their exhibition themed The BLIXT Project.
The BLIXT Project Photography Exhibition by Marsella Giovani (marselgeo),desain eksibisi,desain grafis,fotografi,desain percetakan
The BLIXT Project is a photography exhibition from six young photographers which each one has a different character in every artwork. They're Thalia W., ketrin aster, marselgeo, OngWilliamJoe, Stella Randy, and Andhie Kusnadi. Lifting the theme about their struggle to prove themselves with their own way, and also sounding their point of view about life either personally or socially.
The BLIXT Project Photography Exhibition by Marsella Giovani (marselgeo),desain eksibisi,desain grafis,fotografi,desain percetakan
An artwork by : Thalia W. Wonder Maze - begitu banyaknya aturan yang ada ketika hidup bermasyarakat menyebabkan suatu kebingungan (exhausted), banyaknya arah yang ditunjukkan, yang terkadang menghambat untuk berkembangnya diri. Wanita merupakan makhluk yang memiliki banyak aturan dan norma nya sendiri dalam kehidupan. Dengan terlalu banyak tuntutan, wanita menjadi sulit untuk berkembang, sulit untuk tampil di depan, sehingga stuck dan tersesat seperti berada di labirin kebingungan akan banyaknya jalan yang ada.
The BLIXT Project Photography Exhibition by Marsella Giovani (marselgeo),desain eksibisi,desain grafis,fotografi,desain percetakan
An artwork by : ketrin aster. Lost - tentang seseorang yang merasa hidup didalam dunia yang tidak sesuai dengan dirinya. Bagaimana ia berusaha tidak terlihat dan apa yang dilakukannya seperti tersesat dalam dunia yang tidak sesuai dengan dirinya tersebut.
The BLIXT Project Photography Exhibition by Marsella Giovani (marselgeo),desain eksibisi,desain grafis,fotografi,desain percetakan
An artwork by : marselgeo. The Alphas - saat kita merasa menyelesaikan sesuatu, muncul perasaan bahwa hal baru akan dimulai, semua hal adalah awal untuk hal lainnya. Menghadapi perubahan, ada yang merasa siap, tapi ada juga yang selalu melihat masa lalu. Orang yang mengikat dirinya dan memalingkan wajahnya ke belakang.
The BLIXT Project Photography Exhibition by Marsella Giovani (marselgeo),desain eksibisi,desain grafis,fotografi,desain percetakan
An artwork by : OngWilliamJoe. Pemimpi - sejak kecil setiap orang memiliki mimpi dan cita-citanya sendiri. Namun, banyak orang yang tidak dapat menyentuh mimpi dan cita-citanya sendiri. Karena tuntutan akan mimpi dari orang tua atau orang di sekitarnya.
The BLIXT Project Photography Exhibition by Marsella Giovani (marselgeo),desain eksibisi,desain grafis,fotografi,desain percetakan
An artwork by : Stella Randy. Compromise - kadang secara tidak sadar, kita didikte dengan opini dan keinginan orang lain. Menjadikan kita tidak memiliki pendirian sendiri, seperti “boneka” yang didandani agar “cantik” dimata orang.
The BLIXT Project Photography Exhibition by Marsella Giovani (marselgeo),desain eksibisi,desain grafis,fotografi,desain percetakan
An artwork by : Andhie Kusnadi. Hilang Kontak - kemajuan zaman mempermudah kita untuk memenuhi kebutuhan bersosialisasi. Di era modern ini, kita sangat mudah bersosialisasi dengan bantuan gadget canggih dengan sambungan internet. Lebih cepat, lebih praktis, dan memungkinkan komunikasi sampai antar negara. Tetapi karena terlalu fokus dengan gadget kita, kita lupa dengan sosialisasi yang paling mendasar yaitu berbincang-bincang, kita tidak sadar keberadaan orang di samping kita.
The BLIXT Project Photography Exhibition by Marsella Giovani (marselgeo),desain eksibisi,desain grafis,fotografi,desain percetakan
Artist talk on the opening ceremony.
The BLIXT Project Photography Exhibition by Marsella Giovani (marselgeo),desain eksibisi,desain grafis,fotografi,desain percetakan
Some discussion made it great.
The BLIXT Project Photography Exhibition by Marsella Giovani (marselgeo),desain eksibisi,desain grafis,fotografi,desain percetakan
You can get our photobook by order too.
The BLIXT Project Photography Exhibition by Marsella Giovani (marselgeo),desain eksibisi,desain grafis,fotografi,desain percetakan
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The BLIXT Project is a group of young photographers, created by Atreyu Moniaga.
Exhibition was been held at February 21st 2016 - March 21st 2016 at That's Life Coffee, Jl. Gunawarman No. 24 | 2nd Floor | Jakarta Selatan

Find us at: (tumblr)
@theblixtproject (Instagram)

P.s : All branding things and design done by the talented Wilhemus Willy and Mutiara Suryadini.
Profile pictures by Kevin Leovir.
Written by Lukas Bagas.

Uploaded 06 April 2016