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Crafting, Graphic Design, Illustration, Typography

RUSH IN EID by raisa ramdani (circas),crafting,desain grafis,ilustrasi,tipografi
Designing greeting cards have become a tradition in visious interns. This chance, as the only one intern in August 2014. Asked me to create artwork celebrating muslims annual holiday; Eid 1435 H. Since Indonesia have the largest muslims population in the world, the event annualy become national events. the traditions like traffic in Mudik, delicious food, and family gathering as we called ‘silaturahim’ is what indonesian people always wait each year. And that’s what i would like to express.
RUSH IN EID by raisa ramdani (circas),crafting,desain grafis,ilustrasi,tipografi
Execution is the part that i look forward. i am pleased to choose any methods what i like and would like to create. Crafty things interested me, especially graphic based papercraft. in creating the structure of each type didn’t take much time. but when comes time to decorate the type to look more interesting, i find it difficult and a bit lost from what i imagine.
RUSH IN EID by raisa ramdani (circas),crafting,desain grafis,ilustrasi,tipografi
RUSH IN EID by raisa ramdani (circas),crafting,desain grafis,ilustrasi,tipografi
to created more festive look, many object have to created in 3d and takes so much time to finish.
RUSH IN EID by raisa ramdani (circas),crafting,desain grafis,ilustrasi,tipografi
after all type is done and the decoration elements is completed, its time to get a nice shoot in photo session.
RUSH IN EID by raisa ramdani (circas),crafting,desain grafis,ilustrasi,tipografi
RUSH IN EID by raisa ramdani (circas),crafting,desain grafis,ilustrasi,tipografi
RUSH IN EID by raisa ramdani (circas),crafting,desain grafis,ilustrasi,tipografi
RUSH IN EID by raisa ramdani (circas),crafting,desain grafis,ilustrasi,tipografi
RUSH IN EID by raisa ramdani (circas),crafting,desain grafis,ilustrasi,tipografi
RUSH IN EID by raisa ramdani (circas),crafting,desain grafis,ilustrasi,tipografi
RUSH IN EID by raisa ramdani (circas),crafting,desain grafis,ilustrasi,tipografi
RUSH IN EID by raisa ramdani (circas),crafting,desain grafis,ilustrasi,tipografi
RUSH IN EID by raisa ramdani (circas),crafting,desain grafis,ilustrasi,tipografi
while the 3d stuff is being done, looking at vector sketch made by me. i've been thinking to create the GIF version of the image, so it can be more interesting to look at.
RUSH IN EID by raisa ramdani (circas),crafting,desain grafis,ilustrasi,tipografi
making a papercraft for a purpose is my dream. After finishing my intern at visious studio, i’ve been facilitated and trusted to experiment and learn by my self. i feel gratitude for everyone who helping me finishing this project, it’s complicated indeed but the fun is in ivolving the whole team so the festive atmosphere is not just achived in the look of the project but completes in all team member too. -Thank you for visiting! :)
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A project for greeting card designs I created to celebrate Eid al-Fitr 1435H

Uploaded 28 August 2014