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Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
An invitation arrived. It gave me a chance to reunite with my old friends. We were once producing a music concert together. While we were reminiscing our past, the idea popped in head, "how if we produce a music concert together for one more time?"
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
Most of my friends were agreed to develop the initial idea. But, the problem concerning about the identity of the event organizer arose at the first time. We were trying to define ourselves. Should we define the team as an alumni group or a new group? Each options had their own consequences. But, as co-founder of Teater EPIK, I proposed Sutansyah, the founder, to support the project on behalf of Teater EPIK
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
He was very supportive for the idea. He agreed to support this project. And by having Teater EPIK brand, the team could actually utilize all of Teater EPIK's Asset. Then, as the identity settled, the basic concept began to form. The mutually agreed concept titled Nokturna.
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
It was natural, within voluntary group, along with the concept development process, the members started to perform inconsistently. The condition, at that time, was trembling. I decided to rebuild the team and recruit the board of Teater EPIK to join the project to enhance the organization performance,
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
With the new team capacity, the basic concept changed overtime, finding its best formulation. The peak was when Sutansyah floored Permaisuri Malam manuscript. It was a recreational story based on The Story of The Moon and The Wolf. I saw opportunity to expand the target of this project.
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
For marketing purposes, the team changed the name of the show from Permaisuri Malam to Taraksa. Taraksa targeted to reach 1.000 number of audiences, gain public exposure for Teater EPIK, and gain minimum Rp 5.000.000 net profit.
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
Facing the new concept, Misha Azizia was recruited, the former Art Director from Teater EPIK vol. 4: Mendiang Republik, as Art Director of Taraksa. To enrich the visual concept development, he also suggested me to establish a mutual collaboration with IPPDIG.
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
By the time we were working together, the visual concept development team came out with such brilliant idea to take a stadium as a venue for the show. Yet, it required more than 100 talents. It was a challenge for me as the Producer.
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
In the middle of venue polemic issue, I hastily pushed the team to also gain a progression in promotion and publication.
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
So then, an immediate cooperation with media partner and strategic partners was established hurriedly without any strategic communication direction. It was just simply to amplify the promotion distribution.
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
Yet, the venue polemic had not yet been settled. To require the 100 targeted numbers of talents, I initiated an Open Recruitment. It went really well. But, the number of talents was still below 100.
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
So, as the whole management team realized about our own capability; the team was mutually agreed to forget the stadium concept and take Teater Tertutup Dago Tea House as the venue for the show.
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
While the venue polemic was settled over. The production team converged their energy to uplift the audience animo by production a short-storry serials and trailer video serials.
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
So, the team developed Taraksa in parallel way. Sutansyah led all the artistic progress, and I was responsible for the production management. But, by the time the production took place, Sutansyah felt so stress. He was overwhelmed by the development process of Taraksa composition. Even more, he once asked me for resignation. It was a shock for the team. But, I convinced him to stay and finish what he had already started.
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
We were moving on. After that, the team was urged by the funding problems. With no sponsor, I had already planned to have private bailout fund from my father. He agreed to fund all the production budget as an investor not sponsor.
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
The capital was ready and so was the concept. But, we were still facing organization performance problem. To bind and unleash the potential from all the members of this Taraksa project, Rininta Sari, Senoaji, and Marikar Arsy initiated a team building program named Taraksa Days Out.
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
The program was a big success to the team. It did help to build the climate of progression within the team. Seeing this, I decided to push Taraksa news distribution and implemet Cross Communication approach by Dentsu. I organized all of the media placement in a very excessive way.
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
Only two days left. I could assure that all of the things had really went well, and the budget was sufficient for the whole production need. But within this two days, a lot of technical problem happened. Those were really cost a a lot. But, there was no other way, but to survive.
Taraksa - Kisah di Balik Ahimsa (Production)  by Si Ona  (siona),ilustrasi
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Ini adalah semacam production diary singkat oleh teman saya selama pembuatan Taraksa ini dari munculnya ide, memilih dan memilah tim, konsep yang terus berubah, bekerja sama dengan anak Seni Rupa, masalah panggung, team-management, finansial, publikasi, dan sebagainya. Jurnal ini menjadi bahan sidang teman saya dan saya hanya memvisualisasikannya untuk presentasinya.

'Kisah di Balik Ahimsa' merupakan sidang Tugas Akhir mengenai proses produksi Taraksa ->

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Uploaded 23 January 2014