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Illustration, Mural

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Illustration, Mural

Bill Kaulitz Wall Installation by Marsella A.Tanaya (marsellatanaya),ilustrasi,mural
The walls before were a sickening yellow color, and so I repainted the whole area white. And then I worked on the design.
Bill Kaulitz Wall Installation by Marsella A.Tanaya (marsellatanaya),ilustrasi,mural
And then this project got personal too since I incorporated the silhouette image of my favorite lead singer from a band called Tokio Hotel. I decided to use his facial features and made the stencil on A3 paper. like an amateur, but hey, whatever works. I only picked the color white, black, and red because it was better that way. Using more than three colors on the crowded staircase would be a bad idea since it would be all too jumbled and wouldn’t be clear enough to see. There was a drawback on using a lot of white - that it would get dirty quickly. But having pristine white walls - even for a moment - were something fun to have.
Bill Kaulitz Wall Installation by Marsella A.Tanaya (marsellatanaya),ilustrasi,mural
The typography contained in the mural are: The vision must be followed by the venture. Step up the steps. Path to infinity. These typograhic elements were chosen to strengthen what the stairs symbolized - that there are no easy way to reach your dreams, but you can still reach it.
Bill Kaulitz Wall Installation by Marsella A.Tanaya (marsellatanaya),ilustrasi,mural
This project took about one month and a half to finish, which was just in time for the submission for the Cambridge examinations.
They reviewed it in MTV Brazil.
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This was by far the biggest project - as in dimension - that I have ever done in my life. I made this pretty early out as well, when I was in high school. The mural was made purposefully for Cambridge’s A-Level examination. At the time, my teacher and I wasn’t sure if this was allowable. The Cambridge didn’t have any problem with this (they loved it I think, that was why I got an A) but because I made this mural on the stair-case wall that leads up to the art room. But apparently I got the green light.

The first notion to make this was entirely me joking but then accepting it as a challenge made me serious about it. And apparently, it got into MTV Brazil (shame that they didn't know that it was I who made it) but I'm thrilled enough as it is that they reviewed it for a while.

Thanks Tokio Hotel!

Uploaded 13 January 2015