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3D Modelling, Character Design, Digital Art

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3D Modelling, Character Design, Digital Art

Jitendrium Clockwork - PART 1 by Albert K.I. (Vusiuz) (Vusiuz),3d modelling,desain karakter,seni digital
Jitendrium Clockwork [JitenClock]
Jitendrium Clockwork - PART 1 by Albert K.I. (Vusiuz) (Vusiuz),3d modelling,desain karakter,seni digital
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Jitendrium Clockwork - PART 1 by Albert K.I. (Vusiuz) (Vusiuz),3d modelling,desain karakter,seni digital
The Skybreaker - Andhaka Matadrakh | The strongest being listed in Ancient Vardaum, he seeks anyone around the planet who can defeat him. However, his battle seeking habit and his godly power was listed as the planet's number 1 threat. As a result, everybody tried to eliminate him and ended up in history as "Skybreaker War"
Jitendrium Clockwork - PART 1 by Albert K.I. (Vusiuz) (Vusiuz),3d modelling,desain karakter,seni digital
Silvermoon Assasin - Myasva Selena | The assasin from silvermoon clan that release Mataddrakh from his slumber, and then use him to change the world
Jitendrium Clockwork - PART 1 by Albert K.I. (Vusiuz) (Vusiuz),3d modelling,desain karakter,seni digital
Human Fraction Goon - Metal Doyeol | Hired Criminals that serves as cannon fodder from Human Fraction, they usually hired and given some black magic imbued,purasanium armory
Jitendrium Clockwork - PART 1 by Albert K.I. (Vusiuz) (Vusiuz),3d modelling,desain karakter,seni digital
Human Fraction Sharpshooter - Delsun Sasirang | The girl who has mastered the art of purasanium rifle fighting technique... Together with "Tengkorak Hitam" sand pirate group, she hunt for glory and ancient treasures!
Jitendrium Clockwork - PART 1 by Albert K.I. (Vusiuz) (Vusiuz),3d modelling,desain karakter,seni digital
Desert Boat - Orcapaseer | A boat that designed to crawl in the desert of Vardaum, installed with powerful engine and purasanium defence, then completed with astonishing A.I., Orcapaseer is ready to explore the desert!
Jitendrium Clockwork - PART 1 by Albert K.I. (Vusiuz) (Vusiuz),3d modelling,desain karakter,seni digital
Makina Fraction Ballistic Tanker - Genruw Zero | A wooden makina that made from ancient Ulin Ironwood and absorbed the hardening liquid for centuries Genruw Zero is salvaged from ancient ruin and now become the tanker of "Tengkorak Hitam" sand pirate
Jitendrium Clockwork - PART 1 by Albert K.I. (Vusiuz) (Vusiuz),3d modelling,desain karakter,seni digital
South Sea Pyromancer - Roo Kirdu | The half human - half demon pyromancer from the south sea of flames on Vardaum's Naraka Region... She is a legendary witch that accidentally incinerate 3 empires into ashes in 1 night,when she tried to use her newfound Ancient Gear - AgniYasti Because of her uncontrollable power and her guilt, she seclude herself in the South Island Region to learn how to control her magic. That region is now called South Sea Of Flames because it is covered by inferno for years.
Jitendrium Clockwork - PART 1 by Albert K.I. (Vusiuz) (Vusiuz),3d modelling,desain karakter,seni digital
Sleepworking Artist - Vu Siuz | A worker and artist that already fed up with his life and routinity, so he set up an adventure to search the lost paradise and the meaning of life in the Vardaum's three regions. With his self taught martial arts and self fabricated purasanium weapons, he struggle to survive and accidentally become a bounty hunter codenamed VuSiuz to pay his journey expenses.
Jitendrium Clockwork - PART 1 by Albert K.I. (Vusiuz) (Vusiuz),3d modelling,desain karakter,seni digital
Battle Shopper - Hibibun Shoba | A descendant of the gods clan, but already lost almost all of gods power from her genes, until she meet the ancient pusaka Astrasyuta that give her a great power... she use it as a shopping bag..
Jitendrium Clockwork - PART 1 by Albert K.I. (Vusiuz) (Vusiuz),3d modelling,desain karakter,seni digital
Multimegaton Fist - Mera Sironido | An amateur actress, but wielding a great power that can sent a car into the space With the Jitendrium Armor "Majibuha" she bought on Uraibai (underground internet auction, her punch power enchanced equal to 1,000,000 ++++ tons in a single punch, Even Mataddrakh solid defense would be devastated by her punches.
Jitendrium Clockwork - PART 1 by Albert K.I. (Vusiuz) (Vusiuz),3d modelling,desain karakter,seni digital
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A Story about the strongest villain in Ancient Vardaum that released in the present Vardaum after his 10.000 year of boring seclusion in the metal desert.

This story may contain ancient-heavy weaponized transforming gears and overpowered characters in a devastated planet

Uploaded 05 March 2015