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Illustration, Painting

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Illustration, Painting

The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
Meet Santiago, a shepherd boy from Andalusia, in search of his dream.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
The Merchant's Daughter. The girl whom the boy fancies.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
The Old Gypsy. She sees the boy's destiny and reveals the meaning of his dream.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
The boy had the same dream, haunting him for two nights. A little girl holding his hand and brought him to the Pyramids. "You will find your treasure there," she says.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
An old man came up to the boy and shared his wisdom to him. Telling him to start his journey to the Pyramids.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
The old man opened his robe and showed his gold breastplate covered with jewels. He reveals himself as Melchizedek, King of Salem. He gave the boy two stones, Urim and Thummim to help him on his journey.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
Melchizedek watches the small ship disappear into the distance, carrying a boy in search of treasure.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
The boy arrived in a foreign place. He meets a young man, dressed in western clothing. He offered the boy some help to buy a camel to travel across the desert. The boy was tricked by his offer, the young man took all of his money that he got from selling all his sheep and left him alone in the marketplace.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
The crystal merchant sat in his store everyday, but not many customers came by to buy his crystals.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
The boy offered his help to polish the crystals. Not long, customers came in to buy the crystals. The crystal merchant bought the boy some lunch.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
After being told that he won't have enough money to go to Egypt even after working for years with the crystal merchant, the boy felt his dream shattering before his eyes. His treasure is but a distant dream.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
The boy worked for the crystal merchant for a year now and business is booming. But the boy does not find the job he has as satisfying.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
The crystal merchant told his dream to the boy, to be able to travel to Mecca. But he won't dare leave his crystal shop, so he stayed in his shop for years. To never realise his dream.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
The boy finally collected enough money to travel through the desert. He mounted on a camel and joined the caravans.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
He met a girl from the Oasis and fell in love at first sight.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
Fatima, the girl from the Oasis.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
He was given a vision by the hawks in flight, warning him of the dangers that threatens him and the Oasis.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
A man dressed in black reared his white horse, pointing his scabbard towards the boy. He was the Alchemist.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
The Alchemist and the boy rode off into the night. They began their journey towards the Pyramids.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
They were surrounded by the opposing tribe. The Alchemist and the boy were taken to their to their camp.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
The boy must prove that he can turn himself into the wind in three days, but he is not sure that he can. if he can't, both of them will be executed. He was trembling in fear. The Alchemist poured some tea to the boy's wrist to calm his nerves and shared his words of wisdom to the boy.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
On the third day, the boy stood upon a cliff and he listens to the desert.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
The wind starts to blow and engulfs him.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
The sand from the desert and the wind blows away the camp and engulfs the boy. The boy understands the language of the world. They were released on that very day.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
The Alchemist melted some lead on a pot. He then took out a clear yellow stone and cut a hair's length into the pot. The melted lead turned to gold. He separated the gold and gave it to the boy, the monk, and to himself.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
The boy finally arrived to the Pyramids. He searched for his treasure but ended up being robbed by some bandits. They revealed the dream that they once had. A dream that told him that there is a heap of treasure under a huge sycamore tree in a ruined church. The boy laughed and came back to his home town. He knows where his treasure now.
The Alchemist by Jesslyn Effendy (JesslynEffendy),ilustrasi,melukis
The boy came back to the ruined church in the fields where he used to graze his sheep. He kept digging from dawn to noon. There in hole he found an old chest filled with Spanish coins and statues embed with precious stones. He finally found his treasure.
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My thesis project for my last semester. I love Paulo Coelho's work. His novels are very enjoyable to read and conveys a message for the readers to contemplate.

Uploaded 23 September 2014